Its 2023 and I have just finish watching the tennis match where Novak Djokovic defeats Andrey Rublev in the quarterfinal of the Australian Open and I listened intently to Novaks’ after match on-court interview.
Novak had been under a fitness cloud for the majority of the tournament due to a hamstring injury that many thought could put the champion out of the tournament altogether, but alas, his final 2 matches (up to this current time) has had him play some of the best tennis he says he has ever played! OK, whats up with that?
During his on-court interview he was asked how has he been playing so good with this injury interruption? And this is when I heard Novak say “I have tried about any Bio-Feedback machine there is in this planet in order to get my leg ready, it worked”… its important to be smart and wise with the body and recover to get ready for the next challenge, he said.
So Novak (unsurprisingly due to his natural health stance) is utilising energetic and informational devices to aid his body to realise its healing potentials. Very cool. Bio-Feedback energy ‘devices’ come in a wide range of variety, technology and usage. I have been exposed to a number of these devices working in a homeopathic clinic in Perth, an energy health clinic in Brisbane and on biodynamic farms over the past 20 years. Each presenting interesting procedures and results. I have also developed my own skills in dowsing, pendulum work and integrating my intuition, a very powerful bio-feedback machine, to gain clarity of situations and initiate a desired outcome. Of course, kinesiology, body talk and even communicating with nature via devas and nature spirits are very good bio-feedback sources. Novak, I presume (never presume!), is utilising devices connected to electricity to gain data and initiate healing, but who knows, he could be utilising something at a much more etheric/subtle level. If anyone reading this has further knowledge please add a comment below.
I found this comment from Novak very heartening to the truth that is gaining wellness via energetic means applies to elite sports stars equally as it does to us… not so athletic species. Haha.
I have a decent understanding of integrating with this informational source of nature, of the universe, of this realm, depending on how you wish to perceive it. I first was introduced to devas and the subtle forces of nature via the Findhorn garden/community by reading a few books on their amazing adventures (well worth looking into) which then led me to go down the rabbit hole and delve into similar works at Perelandra – centre for nature research, then into radionics and biodynamics. I worked on a farm in the central wheat-belt of WA where I undertook many dowsing assignments and made my first flower essence. I wanted to test something as I was amazed that during spring on the farm and in virtually the entire district, every flower was yellow. I thought to myself why did nature need so much yellow? What was it providing? In paddock 4 the entire ground surface was covered in the pervasive cape weed, with yellow flowers, so I picked some petals from a couple flowers and proceeded to make my first flower essence by placing the petals in a bowl of water place in the sun. After this was complete I asked for the assistance of the local nature spirits to take the information from 8 drops of this essence I had placed in my left palm and distribute it to paddock 4. Not having any idea if this would actually do anything I was gob smacked when I went to this paddock the next day…. Not a single yellow flower was to be seen in paddock 4… What!
This was amazing to me and got me hooked on working with information and subtle energies to initiate and aid beneficial outcomes. Once I discovered radionics and changed to procedure from using an electrical device to me being the device (in conjunction with nature spirits), I began a business making vibrational essences called QiGrow Vibration Remedies. Utilising a template representing a signature frequency that I have dowsed, connecting to the deva/nature spirit associated with that ‘thing’ (emotion/tree/animal/crystal/hormone/thought… anything I had permission to access) I went thru a process of infusing that information into water. Clients then ingested or sprayed these remedies to bring about awareness, balance and coherence.
Once I discovered Sacred Geometry and the codes of nature they contained I shifted some of my focus into this field and asked my higher self to guide me (as it had done with every product I had developed to that stage including a liquid organic fertiliser range and organic garden installations) to create a symbol that could act similar to the templates I has downloading to create my essences. I/we finally found the right amount of codes to overlay into a symbol carrying the informational codes of nature and organic biology. Now this symbol has been created into a hologram to bring informational coherence to humans to assist in general wellness and protect from the erratic fields of man-made EMF from wireless devices and towers.
After many courses, workshops, reading books and listening a variety of interviews, it is clear that energy and information is the ‘new’ medicine. Ultimately I believe we are all our own doctor/farmacy/healer which starts (and stops) with the mind. Our perceptions play a massive role in how we interpret and interact with our environment and this information is transcribed to the subconscious to recalled at a later date. By gaining an understanding of where/how the perceptual data source was initiated, one can then gain awareness and bring about an informational correction or override to move that energy out of our path or field. It can be really simple and really quick. We must move away form the notion of physicality, genes and hereditary illness to one of informational, morphogenic and internal knowing to bring about real change quickly and cheaply and recapture the true abundance of this realm.
I hope this encourages others to delve a little deeper into how our amazing body works, how it interacts with nature and our environment and how information (bio-feedback energy) IS the solution to understanding a situation and initiating the healing phase.
Till next time, may energy wellness engulf your being 🙂
Regards, Matt