Welcome to Energy Wellness
The Feel Good Marketplace

Mind Body Matrix (created by Matt Wingard) was born from a long held knowledge of us Human Beings operating very similar to a computer, a bio-computer if you will, with specific operating systems, programs and coding built into our organic being for proper function and control. Like all animals and plants, our body/being just knows what to do (how to grow, how to function, what to eat etc), due to biological programs that have been installed by the Creator/Divine.

We Humans are very eager to learn and absorb information which is not always beneficial for a productive life. All information ingested by us is stored in the subconscious as a belief (your truth) and these beliefs are continually being called upon to perceive the environment and in turn make decisions about how you will react to it or create in it. Beliefs are Very Controlling!

After studying energy medicine for 15+ years, Matt brought together his wisdom and skills to develop a healing modality called ‘Inspired Personal Transformations’ (IPT). IPT incorporates Energy medicine, Vortex centres activation/balancing, Meridian flow, Acu-pressure, Sub-conscious belief re-patterning to complete a package that addresses the whole ‘Mind Body Matrix’ to achieve lasting change and healing.

Matt is offering Intuitive Guidance on Energy Wellness to assist with gaining an overview of ones life path and soul mission. Please consider booking a reading if you feel like some direction would benefit you.

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