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QiGrow Vibration Remedies (QVR) contain vibrational frequencies of pure consciousness. Energetic information stored in water, they are energy medicine. QVR offer guidance, wisdom and support direct from nature including Australian Animals, Australian Trees, and Virtues offering emotional balance.

These energy healing tools reflect the current need of assisting the transition into higher awareness and coherent vibrational states. You can be sure that QiGrow Vibration Remedies are made with love, integrity and proven effective in allowing the user to integrate enhanced perceptions of life events.

Energy Healing with Vibrational Frequencies

The biggest obstacle to wellness and abundance is our mind. The human mind is so powerful it will create and manifest anything it believes to be true. Unfortunately most of what our subconscious mind ‘believes’ to be true was stored when we were between the ages 0-5 and is mainly false information.

Right from the moment of conception your mind has been recording history to assist you in interpreting or perceiving your external environment. The information that the mind stored was all the information that was said to you or around you, mainly be from your parents. It can also be programming that was playing on a tv or radio, and stuff that your siblings said or felt about you (it does not have to be a verbal communication). Later, schooling also played a part in shaping what you believe to be true about life on Earth.

The issue we have is that most of this information is false! You could have heard your mother say something off the cuff, she didn’t really mean it to be taken literally or it could have been a comment as part of a joke, as an adult you could determine what is serious and what is just a joke, but when you are under 5 years old your brain is operating in the delta/theta range where you are basically in an hypnotic state and everything just goes in as truth.

QiGrow Vibration Remedy selection

So how does that impact our lives?
Every time an event happens (every day stuff) our minds operating system will delve into the subconscious to find an appropriate response. It will look at the external event and make a perception of what that means, we have less than 30 seconds for the conscious mind to make a rational decision, after that time period has elapsed the operating system will go into autopilot and make the decision for us based on past events stored as memory.

Do you find yourself going thru the same stuff over and over, having the same experiences every year, meeting the same types of people, not really going forward in your life in any large and meaningful way? Do you always seem to be manifesting an illness or disease?

All of this is the mind at work. Operating systems that are designed to protect us and keep us out of danger. The problem is the way a threat is perceived is quite often way out of proportion. This is where QVR’s come in. They are Emotional Intelligence Technology, information or software upgrades for our operating system to allow the mind to have access to a greater amount of information for perceiving your environment to make balanced decisions.

The information contained in QVR’s is consciousness, vibrational frequencies that our energetic system, mind and body recognize and can incorporate alongside previously stored information.
Everything is vibrational at its core, thoughts, emotions, minerals, crystals, all stuff – matter and non matter alike. Its all Vibrational Frequencies. Vibration is the Key and it is what makes our remedies so powerful. Vibrational Medicine = Energy Healing.

‘Emotional Intelligence Technology’

The Ultimate Health and Healing tools offered by QiGrow include the revolutionary Vibration Remedies, ‘Emotional Intelligence Technology’.

Vibration Remedies contain subtle electromagnetic energy infused in pure water plus colloidal silver. When ingested or worn, these vibrational frequencies communicate information to our energy and physical bodies, correcting imbalances, raising our consciousness, and in turn offering Awareness, Insight and Support.

The Information is Energetic, Vibration Remedies do not contain any physical properties other than H2O and a minute amount of silver. It is the Vibration that counts (sound/light/geometry), that’s what makes the difference, that’s what YOU are tuned to receive!

“Everything in life is Vibration” Albert Einstein.
“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration” Nicola Tesla.

If you are familiar with a computer, we can relate our human selves and Vibration Remedies into these terms; the hard drive is our physical body, this is where all the information is stored (more to the point the ‘fascia crystalline matrix’), the operating system is our personal energetic system including our mind, heart, gut and cellular network, while the software is the information within our environment, this includes our perceptions and beliefs.

Vibration Remedies are software upgrades, they contain specific information to enhance our operating system in how it perceives the environment and how our mind and energetic system make decisions, create emotions and, in turn, allows for what we want and desire to be returned to us via magnetic attraction. To manifest something physical into ones life there are 3 components: Thought/Electric charge, Emotion/Magnetic charge and Feeling/Knowing. This is where the magic happens!

Vibration Remedies provide gentle assistance to our intelligent internal energetic system, raising our awareness and consciousness to enable one to function effectively in the external environment while bringing balance and harmony to our internal environment.

Why choose our products?

Uniqueness. Our healing tools are totally unique! No where else can you get the vibrational frequencies that we have developed and infused into water. Some other companies offer vibrational products but none are like ours. QiGrow Vibration Remedies are high frequency medicine working on multi-dimensional levels.

The intent behind Mind Body Matrix and QVR’s is based on integrity, love and gratitude. We are not interested in control, outcomes, hierarchy, gurus or any other exclusive paradigm. We are interested in inclusion. We acknowledge that you have the power, you are your creator!

What can i expect?

Vibration Remedies contain very specific frequencies of light, sound and geometry. When ingested this ‘information’ is transferred to our electrical system resulting in a balancing of our bio-energetic system.

Vibration Remedies are very gentle, safe and offer healing beyond the physical level.

Thus, the expectant results will be specific to the individual, it is up to your being to integrate the energy however it is needed.
Experiences by other people over the past 6 years since QiGrow Vibration Remedies were invented are; a feeling of connectedness, grounding, love, lightness, release, flow and happiness, plus having a new outlook on life and viewing reality in a different light.

Sometimes a perceived negative result could occur for the first couple of days as your body begins to re-adjust and release energy and emotions that are no longer serving your highest good.

Ultimately, Vibration Remedies will shine a light on your path and assist with sharing your passions and truth.

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