Here you will find Tutorials on how to set up your Shop/Store and publish Products

Your Shop Profile is where you can tailor the look to suit your brand, add products for sale, setup shipping profiles and create store policies. 

You can modify your shop profile with the Store Manager menu item found in the footer menu under Vendors;

Store Manager:

  • Follow the prompts on initial sign in once your vendor account has been approved to create your store (if this popup does not display or you press skip, you can go to Settings in your Store Manager to modify as required)
  • Connect to Stripe. You can connect to an existing Business Stripe account if you already have one. If you are not on Stripe, please follow the prompts to create a free account. You need a Stripe account for payments to be deposit into. You can then setup your Stripe account to auto-deposit into your bank account daily, weekly, monthly etc. We recommend weekly or monthly in case of customer refunds etc.
  • Banner, Store List Banner and Mobile Banner can be changed to suit your brand by uploading your business images (keep the file sizes appropriate for the area you are setting them too, don’t upload a file bigger than 500kb. Compress the file if needed. RIOT is a good image optimizer tool. Large images slow the site and google will downgrade our search reach as they are not mobile friendly).
  • Your Shop Name is your trading name
  • Store Slug is your shop name 
  • Shop description: add a description about your business, yourself and the items you create. What is your point of difference and what makes your products unique?
  • Store address: Enter every field except your street address (unless you have a physical shop for ‘click and collect’)
  • Don’t forget to click Update to save your settings
  • Go to Store Manager
  • Click on Add New Product (or the box icon)
  • Select whether your product is a Simple (one style/price) or is Variable (multiple colours/sizes/prices etc.)
  • If your product is Variable, you will need to create Attributes for your Variations to pull data from (contact admin if you need assistance with this).
  • If ‘Simple’ product, you can click the checkbox ‘Virtual’ or ‘Downloadable’ as appropriate for your product (if your item is a shipped good, do not check any of these boxes. If your product is a service, check the virtual box, if it’s a file for download, check the download box and upload the product file to your media centre).
  • Add product name
  • Price: Enter your Regular Price. If you want to run a sale, add your discounted price in the sale box. Should you want to schedule the sale to start and finish on specific dates you can enter them by clicking ‘Schedule’. 
    Note: For Simple Product listings only, we have a feature that allows for Flash Sales, called Deals of the Day. Deals of the Day run for up to 24hrs, so when scheduling your sale date’s you must end your sale the next day, and enter a product sale quantity to qualify the product to appear on the Deals of the Day promo box and page.
  • Short Description: This text area will appear at the top of the product page next to the image and above ‘add to cart’. Keep it short and sweet.
  • Description: This text area is a longer description area where you can add all the details necessary to achieve good product communication and convert the sale.
  • Images: On the right side, click the ‘Image box’ or ‘add image’. A window will open of your Media Centre. If you do not have any images here, you will need to click Upload Files to upload them from your device. (Please compress your product images to reduce files sizes to under 150kb per image). It is also important when adding images that the image file name/title is representative of what the product is, plus once the image is uploaded to your media centre, add an alternative text in the box describing the image. These are all essential for search engine rankings.
  • Product Gallery. You can also add 3 additional images (max 4 images) by clicking the other image box
  • Add Product Categories appropriate for your listing (tick all that apply). You need to also select either ‘Goods’ or ‘Services’ category so that the listing is visible on these pages for easy navigation
  • Add tags related to your product for search-ability
  • Shipping: Fill out the shipping details for your product
  • Tax: If your business is registered for GST, Click Taxable and Standard. If your not registered for GST, still click Taxable but also click Zero rate.
  • Add Attributes and Variations as required (contact admin if you need assistance… can be tricky)
  • Link your other products if they relate to this item
  • Enter SEO details of your product to assist search engines listing your item.
  • Policies: In your store settings, you may have already added policies applicable to all products. Should this item require adjustment to your policies you can do so here.
  • ** If it hasn’t been listed in this tutorial please Don’t enter or change details in any other fields/boxes.
  • Double check everything…. You can now click on Draft then Preview your listing…. A new window/tab will open showing your product.
  • Make changes if necessary.
  • If all is good, Click on Publish.
  • Your all done. Congratulations!

To complete an order please follow these procedures;

  • Click on Orders in left menu
  • If shipping for this order includes tracking, click the Truck icon on the right and enter tracking details
  • Once order is complete, click the Tick icon

    or another way to do it

  • Click on order #
  • Enter tracking information if required
  • Change order status to Completed
  • Click Update

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